Mintopoly cards are blockchain-based NFTs at the heart of Mintopoly.
Each card provides unique gameplay boosts – increasing earnings or decreasing cost of a certain investment, providing extra starting capital, providing extra earnings per block, even boosting total net worth. Plus, the cards reduce the cost of unlocking the investment tier they represent by a certain percentage (even more for founder's cards) – providing crucial early access to these higher-level investments. Furthermore, the Mintopoly Moon uses these NFTs to provide added boosts to the production output of your bases. Stake a card to receive extra resources every time it gets harvested!
Cards are being minted in small editions of 30, but written into the smart contract are constraints that guarantee two facts:
Unique Cards: 1 • Editions Size: 50
This ultra-rare card is given as a prize to the winners of each round (rounds 1 - 50). Its function is to boost the earnings of all investment types by 5% – in addition to any other card boosts.
This card doubles your special monthly mintopolist airdrop if owned alongside a mintopolist moon base!
Unique Cards: 198 • Editions Size: 1 per card
These 198 IDs are the rarest of all Mintopoly! Cards. Each is a unique NFT with an edition size of 1. They provide exceptionally high values (often 2x that of base cards). Plus, they provide a 35% discount on the cost to unlock the investment tier they represent (vs 25% for base cards). They can be from any of the categories listed below – and you know they're fancy because they are the only cards in #DarkMode... On the moon you can enjoy a massive 600% boost to your production rate when staked to a base! (See bases below)
Unique Cards: 30 • Editions Size: 30 per card
Boost the performance of your mining rigs with upgrades like solar power, liquid cooling, and more. The end result is more profit per block to jumpstart your earnings in the early stage of each round.
Produces Moon Bricks when harvested and requires an input resource of Infrastructure.
Unique Cards: 30 • Editions Size: 30 per card
Someone's got to keep those validator nodes running, and these systems admins all have a 100% uptime record. They give you a 25% discount on unlocking the validator node investment tier and provide a % discount on each one purchased.
Produces Infrastructure when harvested and requires an input resource of Crops.
Unique Cards: 30 • Editions Size: 30 per card
These crystal balls are just what your oracles need to provide the best data possible. They work so well that you'll earn more from every oracle you distribute. They also give you 25% discount on unlocking the oracle investment tier.
Produces Magic when harvested and requires an input resource of Influence.
Unique Cards: 50 • Editions Size: 30 per card
Totally not inspired by any existing NFTs, these CoderPunks are like blockchain dev ninjas. They give you a 25% discount on unlocking the smart contract investment tier and make your code so much more efficient that you'll receive an earnings boost on all smart contracts purchased.
Produces Silver when harvested and requires an input resource of Electricity.
Unique Cards: 30 • Editions Size: 30 per card
The best way to make money with automated crypto trading is through flash loans where you can borrow millions with no collateral. These flash loans give you a 25% discount on unlocking the automated trading bot investment tier and boost their earnings by the % shown.
Produces Electricity when harvested and requires an input resource of Magic.
Unique Cards: 30 • Editions Size: 30 per card
Decentralized exchanges just don't work without liquidity providers. What better way to boost the efficiency and earnings of your DEX than with an upgraded liquidity pool? They give you a 25% discount on unlocking the decentralized exchange investment tier and boost your earnings of each DEX launched.
Produces Water when harvested and requires an input resource of Moon Bricks.
Unique Cards: 50 • Editions Size: 30 per card
If you want to take over main street, you'll need some friends in high places. These high-power investment bankers will give you a 25% discount on unlocking the the centralized exchange [TIP – that's super OP] and reduce the cost of each one purchased by the amount show.
Bankers help facilitate trades on the moon exchange and are staked to a resource, they share a 5% commission (distributed daily) on all the trades made with that resource.
Unique Cards: 50 • Editions Size: 30 per card
In order to properly yield farm in the DeFi space, you've got to have some killer crops (I think that's how it works?). These fruit & veggie farms are just the thing. They'll multiply your staking pool rate by the amount shown. (i.e. if the base rate is .02%, a 20% card would result in a .024% rate).
Produces Crops when harvested and requires an input resource of Water.
Unique Cards: 50 • Editions Size: 30 per card
In a world where people pay millions for JPGs, it helps to have some NFT artwork in your pocket! These masterpieces give you a large cash infusion to start the game.
Produces Culture when harvested and requires an input resource of Silver.
Unique Cards: 50 • Editions Size: 30 per card
Write some Decentralized Applications (Dapps) and you can generate tons of passive income. For that reason, if you own one of these cards, you'll receive guaranteed income on every block. (They begin generating revenue from the block on which you make your first purchase, not necessarily block #1.)
Produces Silver when harvested and requires an input resource of Electricity.
Unique Cards: 50 • Editions Size: 30 per card
A good celebrity endorsement can move the entire market upwards, that's why owners of these cards enjoy a % boost on their total net worth. (i.e. if you earn ₼0.1 per block with a 5% net worth boost, your net worth will grow by ₼0.105)
Produces Influence when harvested and requires an input resource of Culture.